We’re in the midst of winter, and Buffalo’s weather has not held back one bit.  Maintaining your concrete deck during the harsh winter months is critical to the overall quality and lifespan of it.  Just because you’re not using your deck during the colder seasons doesn’t mean you should neglect overall maintenance.

After covering the basics like covering your actual pool, you’re going to want to clear any furniture from the general area on your concrete deck.  Not only are they very likely to get damaged throughout the winter months in Buffalo, but your deck will as well.

First and foremost, it’s a good idea to take the preventative measure of waterproofing your deck.  This will provide an extra layer of protection against the elements and will expand the lifespan of your concrete deck.

Next, it’s imperative to regularly clean the surface of your deck.  When it’s not covered in snow, remove any leaves and sap from the area, and finish up with a thorough rinse.  This will prevent excess moisture from the snow turning the leaves into mulch which can cause mildew or mold to grow.  This can be quite difficult to remove during the springtime. Our sealing services specifically are meant to prevent water damage and results such as this by ensuring no moisture gets stuck inside.

While inspecting your concrete deck, be sure to check for any cracks and regularly monitor them if they are visible.  If you notice over time that they have gotten worse, make a note to have them repaired as soon as possible when the weather (finally) breaks.

One of our most popular services that are offered by our professional concrete contractors involves deck reinforcement.  This is a great option to protect your deck over the winter months because it not only strengthens the concrete itself, but lessens the overall risk of cracks forming to begin with.

At B&W Custom Concrete, our concrete contractors are dedicated to providing our customers in the Buffalo area with the highest quality services when it comes to installation, design, and maintenance.  Contact us today for a free estimate.